January 2, 1960
The Inauguration of the Steel Plant "Rourkela" in India, which was built by VÖEST in cooperation with Krupp, took place.
May 19, 1960
Schah Reza Pahlevi, Emperor of Persia, was invited by the President of Austria to visit Vienna and the VÖEST company.
July 4, 1960
Nikita Chruschtschow, President of the Cabinet Council of the U. S. S. R., paid a visit to VÖEST.
November 15, 1960
The freight vessel "Wienertor" went into service.
March 14, 1961
Graduated Engineer Walter Hitzinger finished his job as Chairman of the Board and went to the Daimler Benz Company at Stuttgart, Germany.
July 22, 1961
The last railroad cars loaded with transfer supplies, agreed upon in the States Treaty, left the VÖEST Company to go to the U. S. S. R.
September 24, 1963
In the District Court of Justice in Detroit a lawsuit commenced on account of a patent infringement. The litigation is the LD Steel production process. This was a further stage of the already 8 years lasting dispute between VÖEST-ALPINE Montangesellschaft, BOT/Zurich, Henry J. Kaiser Company/Oakland and Mc Louth Steel Corporation/Detroit.
July 1, 1965
Chewing gum campaign. Each blue-collar worker received 3 pieces of chewing gum if the air-temperature exceeded 27° C. All other employees received 2 pieces. This agreement was valid from July 1,1965 until the end of September 1965.
September 1, 1965
The american magazine "Forbes" praised in an article the refurbishment work performed by VÖEST on the famous cable car in San Francisco.
January 20, 1966
The VÖEST- owned freight vessel "Kremsertor" sank along the British Coast near Plymouth in a heavy storm. The crew was saved.
October 8, 1966
The "Johannes Kepler"- University in Linz was inaugurated by the President of Austria, Franz Jonas.
October 31, 1967
The fourth and largest VÖEST- owned freight vessel "Buntentor" went into service.
January 15, 1968
The mechanical engineering department of VÖEST supplied the "tenthousandth" lathe of the DA- Type. General Manager Dr. Koller handed it over to the Technical University of Vienna as a gift.
June 1, 1968
A natural gas supply contract was signed between VÖEST and Tromsyrioimport of the U.S.S.R. In return VÖEST supplied 520,000 tons of steel pipes for a gas pipe line of 1,500 kilometers length.
November 21, 1968
Converter Nr. 6 and the continous casting equipment CC 1 went into operation in the LD Steel Plant Nr. 2. The inaugoration was presided by the President of Austria, Franz Jonas.
November 10, 1969
Erection work commenced on the third bridge over the Danube River in Linz. The bridge was named "VÖEST Bridge". The construction has a total weight of 6,300 tons.