February 1, 1970
The Supervisory Board of VÖEST agreed to extend the Steel Plant in Linz to an annual production of 3.1 million tons. The extension plan was budgeted with 3.8 billion Austrian Schilling and was realized between 1971 and 1974.
May 1, 1970
A civic action group under the leadership of Josef Buchner protested against the dramatic air pollution caused by the VÖEST steel plant. The group are inhabitants of the City of Steyregg which is situated across the Danube River north of Linz.
September 7, 1970
The Patriarch Maximos of Hakim of Syria, head of the Greek- Catholic Eastern Church, visited VÖEST and made sure himself of the companys performance.
January 20, 1971
Dr. Hubert Hauttmann, co-inventor of the "LD steel production process" received, on the occasion of his 75th birthday, the Honorary Price of the VÖEST company.
March 31, 1971
The stock of the company Binder & Co AG was transferred to VÖEST. With that this company became a 100 % subsidiary of VÖEST.
April 16, 1971
The Prime Minister of Sweden, Olof Palme, visited Austria and the VÖEST company.
June 20, 1972
The "Great Steel Solution" was concluded as of January 1st, 1973 and led to the merger of VÖEST and ALPINE MONTAN.
November 22, 1972
UNESCO awarded the Price of Science to those nine scientists and technicians who were authoritative involved in the development of the LD- steel production process. Those are: Graduated Engineer Wolfgang Kühnelt, Graduated Engineer Friedrich Klepp, Graduated Engineer Felix Grohs, Graduated Engineer Dr. Rudolf Rinesch, Graduated Engineer Otwin Cuscoleca, Graduated Engineer Kurt Rösner, Graduated Engineer Dr. Herbert Trenkler and Engineer Dr. Hubert Hauttmann. For the already passed away Graduated Engineer Dr. Theodor Suess his widow, Mrs. Olga Suess, took part in the ceremony.
December 16, 1972
The highway bridge crossing the Danube River in Linz (VÖEST- Bridge) was opened to the public traffic.
October 1, 1974
The Bruckner Music Hall was inaugurated on the occasion of the 150th birthday of the composer Anton Bruckner. It was designed and built by the architekt Heikki Siren from Finland.
July 26, 1975
Former General Manager of VÖEST, Walter Hitzinger, passed away in Bad Ischl. He was known as "Steel boss with Schrammel mind" when he managed the VÖEST company between 1952 and 1961.
September 15, 1975
The "Slag Stopper" was developed and patented. It is a device to hold back the slag during a cut of melted steel. It was patented at home and abroad.
August 1, 1976
Collapse of the "Reichsbrücke" in Vienna at 4:15 a.m.
November 2, 1976
The LD- steel plant in the Steel Works "Sicartsa" in Mexico was put into operation.
January 1, 1977
VÖESt bought 40 % of the shares of DIDIER ENGINEERING company in Essen, Germany.
June 28, 1977
International convention on LD- Steel in the Bruckner Hall in Linz. More than 200 experts in steel production from 35 countries came together to the 8th Working Meeting.
July 13, 1977
After an erection period of 34 months the blast furnace A went into operation. Investment cost: 3 billion Austrian Schilling. Production capacity: 5,500 tons of pig iron daily.
August 1, 1977
The Supervisory Board of VÖEST appointed Heribert Apfalter as Chairman of the Board and General Manager of the VÖEST company.
February 10, 1978
In order to wind up with the barter transactions VOEST-ALPINE Intertrading was founded as company owned trading house.
August 1, 1978
Together with the new LOGO the company name was fixed as "VOEST- ALPINE AG".
November 5, 1978
A politically motivated voting about the start-up of the nuclear plant "Zwentendorf" in Lower Austria went wrong. 50.47 % of the population voted against it. Consequently the nearly finished plant was dismissed.
January 2, 1979
The new company name "VOEST- ALPINE Aktiengesellschaft" was incorporated.