The Blast Furnace A

Blasting of the Scyscrapers at the Harter Plateau

Postage Stamp 50 Years LD Steel

2000 to 2009

Brief Extract from the Chronicle

January 9, 2000
The Blast Furnace A was blown in the first time in 1977. Since then 37.8 Million Tons of pig iron were melted.

April 11, 2000
The first "Industrial Center for Mechatronik and Automation" in Austria was opened . It is a typical example of a network in research & development between universities and industries, and rather unique in Europe.

September 22, 2000
VOEST- ALPINE Stahl inaugurated a new Compact LD Plant at Donawitz. The investment amounted to approximately 2 Billion Austrian Schilling.

February 8, 2001
GE Power Systems honoured the VOEST- ALPINE Foundry in Linz with the tribute "Supplier of the Year 2000".

April 1, 2001
The voestalpine Grobblech GmbH was established as a 100 % subsidiary of voestalpine Stahl GmbH. The Management consists of Mr. Christian Stingeder and Mr. Walter Buttinger. Mr. Rudolf Wödlinger is responsible for the Technical Marketing.

May 16, 2001
An Image Campaign for the material "Steel" was started simultaneously in Paris, Madrid and Düsseldorf. "Steel is Life" wheather in form of a pace-maker or in form of the transparent dome at the Reichstag- Building in Berlin.

September 11, 2001
The Board of voestalpine AG elected Mr. Franz Struzl as successor of Mr. Peter Strahammer who died in an accident. Mr. Wolfgang Eder was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board.

June 27, 2002
During the event "voestival 02" voestalpine celebrated a particular jubilee. Exactly 50 years ago the LD Steel Production Process, also known as the "Linz-Donawitz-Verfahren", was developed. Oxygen is blown in with supersonic speed thru a water-cooled lance to the melt, also known as "Refining".

November 15, 2002
voestalpine Stahl submitted about 1,000 files to the authorities for an Environmental Impact Assessment. The plan is to produce more than 900,000 tons of steel annually without increasing the pollution of the environment.

January 1, 2003
The Board of voestalpine AG was extended from four to six members: Mr. Josef Mülner and Mr. Franz Hirschmanner were appointed new board members.

May 7, 2003
Dr. Eduard Michaelis passed away. Dr. Michaelis made a decisive contribution to the reconstruction of the Iron- and Steel Industry, particularly by the invention of the LD- Steel Production Technology.

September 19, 2003
This day was published as "Black Friday" for voestalpine. The protests against selling off voestalpine had little success. A cutting up could be avoided for the time being. Banks, Insurance Companies and Enterprises now own more than 20 % of the shares, another 10 % are hold by the employees.

December 7, 2003
The voestalpine parish (Christliche Betriebsgemeinde VOEST) celebrated its 50th year of existence. Since 2001 Mr. Rupert Granegger acts as VOEST- Parson.

April 1, 2004
Mr. Wolfgang Eder was appointed General Manager of voestalpine. In his first interview Mr. Eder confirmed: "The extension of the Linz plant may continue as planned".

July 13, 2004
" Fire Out" for the largest of the five blast furnaces operated by voestalpine Stahl. The around 30 years "Old Lady" will be shut down and partly pulled down. In the neighborhood the new one is already under construction.

October 26, 2004
Blast Furnace A went into operation. 2,800 workers and fitters needed 105 working days only to transform the old blast furnace into the larger and more efficient Furnace A.

December 21, 2004
A contract signed between ÖIAG and voestalpine regulates the "Erzberg Private Foundation". Until the expiration of the iron ore mining at the Erzberg voestalpine receives 2 Million tons of iron ore annually. This agreement costs voestalpine 10 Million Euro.

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